Saturday, October 14, 2017

The World's View on Gender

I find it interesting how different the world's views on gender has changed over the years. Now days it is hard for a lot of people to determine what makes them a male or female, other than their body parts. There are a lot of stereotypes than generally define feminism verses masculism.
 Women are generally:
  • ·         Expressive
  • ·         Passive
  • ·         Cooperative
  • ·         Social Oriented
  • ·         Relationship Oriented

While men are typically:
  • ·         Aggressive
  • ·         Competitive
  • ·         Stronger
  • ·         Spatial Oriented

These Sex-Typical Tendencies make it very difficult for those who don’t quite fit each expectation, to really know who they are. The world has manipulated people into believing that if they don’t fit each stereotype of a girl, then the must really be a boy, and that is not the case at all. It is okay if a little boy doesn’t always like to play with cars and toy swords. It doesn’t automatically make him a little girl for disliking these things does it? No! Even if they don’t fit the stereotypes, you can correctly raise them to still qualify for a male.

Along with the gender confusion comes transgender and homosexuality. We learned this week that a lot of homosexual feelings are a result of being sexually abused as a child. An experience like this can create a lot of confusion, and when the world gives you an explanation to your confusion, you’re going to believe them. This is not always the case, but the majority of homosexual feeling are a result of different childhood variables.
Personally, I think that transgender happens because of the influence of those around us. If people weren’t so cruel to those that just don’t quite fit in, I don’t think there would be so many cases of transgender. Again, if the world tells you that you are a certain way, you’re going to believe them. If they tell a boy that he is too girly that he can’t really be a boy, what is that going to do to him?

The pressure and influence from our peers plays a huge role on who we are and who we become, but we shouldn’t let it be that way. Don’t be who or what the world wants you to be. Be yourself. The Lord made you just the way he wanted you, why would you want to change that? He loves you for who you are, don’t upset him by falling into the pressures of the world.

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